

ホーム > 関連学会・セミナー開催案内 > The World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (WCRPL 2016) will be held in Cannes France, on 14-17 January 2016

The World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (WCRPL 2016) will be held in Cannes France, on 14-17 January 2016

The World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (WCRPL 2016) will be held in Cannes France, on 14-17 January 2016

WCRPL 2016 are pleased to offer a special discounted rate for JSRM members. Each member of the Japan Society of Reproductive Medicine will be entitled to receive the discounted rate for "Members of Societies that have endorsed the Congress".

For the discounted rate, please click here. Early Bird Registration ends on 14 July, 2015
