56th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine


December 8 (Thu)-9 (Fri), 2011


Pacifico Yokohama
1-1-1, Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Japan
TEL: +81-45-221-2155

Congress President

Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
St. Marianna University School of Medicine


December 7:  Serono Symposia
December 8:  56th Annual Meeting (Presentations, FIGO Workshop, Banquet)
December 9:  56th Annual Meeting (Presentations, Workshop)

*Program is subject to change.
*Tentative program is available soon.
*Program is available here.


Registration Fee: 16,000JPY

*On-site registration only

*Payment must to be made by Credit Card (VISA/MasterCard) or in Cash (Japanese yen) only.

Abstract Submission

June 1 (Wed) ~ July 26 (Tue), 2011

*Abstract submission system will be closed at 12:00am, July 26 (Japan Time).

*Please note that authors will receive an email confirmation once the submission process is completed. If you do not receive confirmation, your submission may not have been received and you are advised to contact the organizer.

*Upon submission of your abstract, you will be issued an "Abstract Submission Number", which is required to view, edit, or delete your submitted abstract.

◆For Non-invited Speakers (Oral/Poster)

Proceed to the Abstract Submission Page (for Non-invited speakers)

View/Edit/Delete Submitted Abstract (for Non-invited Speakers)

Category (Required)

If you submit an abstract in English, please choose a category from No.29 to No.78

29.Androgen Excess 54.Imaging in Reproductive Medicine
30.ART-In Vitro Fertilization 55.Leiomyoma
31.ART-Procedures and Techniques, Clinical 56.Luteal Phase Support
32.ART- Outcome Predictors 57.Male Reproduction and Urology
33.ART- Ovarian Stimulation 58.Menopause
34.ART- Ovarian Stimulation- Poor Responders 59.Nursing
35.ART -Male Factor 60.Obesity and Metabolism
36.ART- Cryopreservation and Frozen Embryo Transfer 61.Oocyte Biology
37.ART-Others 62.Ovarian Function
38.The blastocyst 63.Ovarian Reserve
39.Contraception/Family Planning 64.Ovulation and Fecundity
40.Cryopreservation 65.Oxidative Stress
41.Environment and Reproduction Special Interest 66.PCOS
42.Embryo Biology 67.Pregnancy Loss and Termination
43.Embryo Culture 68.Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
44.Embryo Transfer 69.Reproductive Surgery (SRS)
45.Endocrine and immunologic aspects of early pregnancy 70.Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
46.Endometriosis 71.Reproductive Biology: Animal and Experimental Models
47.Endometrium and Implantation 72.Reproductive Immunology
48.Environment and Toxicology 73.Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
49.Fertilization 74.Reproductive Laboratory Technologist
50.Female Reproductive Tract 75.Sperm Biology
51.Female Reproductive Surgery 76.Stem Cells
52.Female Reproductive Endocrinology 77.Testis
53.Genetic Counseling 78.Others

◆For Invited Speakers

Proceed to the Abstract Submission Page (for Invited Speakers)

View/Edit/Delete Submitted Abstract (for Invited Speakers)


  1. Abstract Title: up to 180 characters
  2. Abstract Body: up to 2,000 characters
  3. Co-authors: up to 15
  4. Institution: up to 10
  5. Abstract Category

Organizing Secretariat

Organizing Secretariat of the 56th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine
c/o MA Convention Consulting
Kojimachi Parkside Bldg 402. 4-7 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
102-0083 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5275-1259
Fax: +81-3-5275-1192